• Makeup Artist – Val Garland

    Makeup Artist – Val Garland
    “You do need to be active on social media, but the key is to figure out who you want to be and how you want others to see you. I don’t want to keep posting meaningless beauty photos just to stay active.” Val Garland Makeup artist Val Garland is from the UK and was appointed as L’Oréal’s global cosmetics director in May 2017. As...
  • Ways to Earn Money From Makeup

    Ways to Earn Money From Makeup
    The beauty or personal care market is showing a significant upward trend today. It is also considered part of the industry group that is always needed. The beauty industry continues to expand with the development of time and process, creating new spaces for more entrepreneurs to join the party. Moreover, this increases the variety of products and services for potential customers, which is a...
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